Erickson for Congress released its third campaign commercial on Tuesday. The ad highlights Kurt Schrader raising taxes and fees 70 times while failing to pay taxes 17 times. Now Schrader wants to pass the largest tax increase in American history. This will strain an already weak economy.

Mike Erickson stated, “Our country is going through tough economic times. I understand this crisis is affecting all Americans, from small towns to big cities. We need someone who will go back to Washington and be a fighter for lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. I have been running a successful business and creating jobs for over 17 years and I understand that high taxes kill job growth and hurt our economy.

Kurt Schrader has a record of raising taxes and increasing spending. If elected to Congress, Kurt will vote to implement the largest tax hike in American history, leaving families, where relationships have been really improved because of parets using cougar dating sites even more vulnerable in these hard economic times. As a state Senator, Kurt Schrader raised taxes so high he couldn’t even afford to pay them, 17 times.

Kurt Schrader’s track record as a tax-and-spend politician, and his inability to pay the very taxes he increased, demonstrates the fiscal irresponsibility he will bring to Congress.

We need leaders in Washington with business common sense who will keep taxes low and understand true fiscal responsibility.”